Friday, June 12, 2015

Mary Kay Henry to 283,000 CA Workers: “You will soon be joining SEIU Local 2015”

Here's confirmation that SEIU-UHW’s Dave Regan lost his "war" with SEIU’s Mary Kay Henry.

In a letter dated June 3, 2015, Mary Kay Henry announced that SEIU is transferring 283,000 of its California home care and nursing home workers into a new statewide local union called “SEIU Local 2015.”

For SEIU-UHW, this will result in the loss of approximately 65,000 of its members to a new local union that’s presumably headed by the president of SEIU Local 6434, Laphonza Butler.

This earlier post discusses some of the internal intrigue and politics behind the Henry's move.

The letter -- which comes from the “Desk of Mary Kay Henry” with her photo emblazoned on the letterhead – says:
"I'm writing with exciting news. SEIU has begun the process of uniting all long-term care members of California in one strong statewide local union… We are developing an orderly transition plan and will be in regular communication with you at all affected members over the next few months.”

Here's the letter (the home address has been blocked out with a piece of scrap paper).