Thursday, April 19, 2012

SEIU's Electric Slide towards Failure

"Mission failure."  That's what Kaiser Permanente workers are calling it. Check out this video, taken earlier today, of SEIU-UHW's so-called "rally" at Kaiser Walnut Creek Medical Center. How many workers actually attended the lunchtime rally? Here's a hint:  more than 1,500 SEIU-UHW members actually work at this Northern California hospital.

Well... errr... see if you can count more than 15 people in this video, taken during the middle of workers' lunch break. (You can see the video better if you enlarge it by clicking on the rectangular symbol in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen below. When you're done, click the symbol in the same right-hand corner to return to the blog.) 

And it gets worse. It turns out that Regan and Co. carefully scheduled the rally for the same day as the daylong meeting of SEIU's steward council at the hospital. Even though SEIU's shop stewards were released from their jobs and were paid by Kaiser to attend the rally, only a handful of them actually showed up. Ouch.
In related news, a reader from Southern California sent along this photo from today's SEIU rally at Kaiser Anaheim Medical Center. Check it out. As far as Tasty can see, the rally had fewer attendees than a hot tub party hosted by Steve Matthews and Dave Regan!

Meanwhile, workers from Kaiser Baldwin Park Medical Center sent along news from yesterday's SEIU rally in front of their hospital. Workers who support NUHW decided to attend the rally... and they far outnumbered SEIU's staffers and supporters. In fact, Tasty hears that NUHW supporters got their purple co-workers to join them in chants against Kaiser like, "No cuts, no two tier."

Tasty bets that Dave Regan and John August were squirming in their seats at this display of 19th-century unionism!

Way to go, Kaiser workers!