On Wednesday a Kaiser worker described how Kaiser officials let SEIU hold pro-SEIU campaign meetings in Kaiser's own conference rooms, even as Kaiser officials surveilled and threatened NUHW supporters. SEIU attorney Bruce Harland (pictured) aggressively attacked the testimony, claiming the SEIU was just holding a regular membership meeting in the Kaiser conference room. So the next day, a worker came forward and played a home-made video that she took inside the same meeting. Check it out. Does this look like your typical union meeting?
Pay special attention to how quickly Kaiser security guards show up and try to eject the dues-paying SEIU member. Although its not caught on tape, workers testified that Kaiser managers showed up immediately after the security guards, lecturing the amateur videographer, then let SEIU continue using Kaiser's conference room for campaigning.
As the judge viewed the video, SEIU attorney was seen gritting his teeth as his credibility dropped through the floor.
Tasty hears that SEIU has no less than 4 Attorneys at the hearing (excellent use of your dues!) while Kaiser has hired multiple lawyers from Nixon Peabody, a union busting firm with offices in Shanghai, London and Paris.
Next up? The hearing is on hold this week and relocates to LA on March 1st so workers from Southern California can offer their testimony to the judge. Stay tuned!