Occasionally, Tasty’s painstakingly prepared posts happen to miss some important details. Fortunately, Tasty’s attentive readers quickly come to the rescue.
So... after Tasty posted news about the SEIU-UHW organizer who filed NLRB charges against Dave Regan & Co, readers forwarded a bunch more particulars about SEIU-UHW’s Director Myriam Escamilla and Chief of Staff Greg Pullman. Here’s what one reader wrote:
“Myriam's reputation for abusing staff -- including public humiliation -- is well-deserved. Myriam and Greg are obviously partners in crime and have been for a long while, although they've also had some serious fallings-out, as you would expect from two primo scheming backstabbers.”
Another reader said:
“When Greg Pullman was the staff director at SEIU 715, he was a Machiavellian staff manipulator. Myriam was a very poor performing director (home care) who drove the organizers who worked for her crazy. Sound familiar? I feel for any well meaning staff working for them at UHW.”
And what’s up with the marriage between Myriam and Greg?
Readers report it was as all fake -- kinda like Myriam’s designer outfits and flashy handbags. Greg, who’s openly gay, reportedly married Myriam so she could get a green card.
Hmm... two "primo scheming backstabbers" with a passion for Machiavellian manipulation of staff as well as publicly humiliating and abusing staff members. Sounds like the perfect couple to run your union, right?