Monday, July 18, 2011

Pitchman for the Plutocrats

Looks like Andy Stern is getting more attention for his cozy relationship with all the CEOs he’s been pallin’ around with. Check out this article in the Jewish Daily Forward: “Former Union President Andy Stern Says He Was Too Tough on Banks at SEIU.” (The article even comes with this photo of Stern flashing his pinky ring.)

The article says “Stern has received plaudits from business advocates for support of the plan” to slash taxes on the $1.3 trillion in profits that U.S. corporations stashed in the Bahamas and other overseas hideouts.

James Tisch, the CEO of Loews Corporation, even wrote an editorial in the Wall Street Journal titled: “Andy Stern Sees the Light on Overseas Profits.” (Shouldn’t the headline be: “Andy Stern Sees Lots of Green in CEOs’ Wallets and Says ‘I Want Some of That!’”)

Andy’s latest gig as pitchman for the plutocrats has lots of people wondering: Is Andy off the reservation? Did he forget to take his medication? Or is Stern’s current behavior simply a continuation of the incredibly bad judgment and lack of principles that he displayed while he was President of SEIU? In Tasty’s view, it’s the latter.