Yesterday, as one worker arrived at a Kaiser clinic in Antioch, he ran into someone delivering 36 pizzas to his clinic and many more pizzas to nearby facilities. The delivery person showed him the bill: $1,100!
At Kaiser West Los Angeles Medical Center, SEIU delivered 40 pizzas to the cafeteria, where Deputy Trustee Keisha Stewart ordered SEIU organizers to distribute the pizzas to all the floors of the hospital.
At Kaiser San Francisco Medical Center, the food of choice was fruit. Today, SEIU-UHW shop stewards were being paid by Kaiser management to hold their monthly, day-long steward council meeting. But instead of handling grievances and worksite problems, the SEIU stewards spent the day walking throughout the hospital and clinics with baskets of fruit bearing SEIU stickers [see above] and campaigning for votes.
And not a whimper or objection from management. What's next? Tasty can only imagine since SEIU seems to have endless creativity when it comes to spending workers' dues dollars...